Due to inclement weather New River Community College (Dublin and Christiansburg) will be CLOSED Tuesday January 7, 2025.
The Support Staff Assembly at New River Community College is an organization of all classified employees (full and part time) for the purposes of college and community service and the pursuit of goals of interest to classified employees.
The Assembly provides get well and sympathy cards to support staff employees.
Flowers are sent to classified staff members who are hospitalized or have had a death in the immediate family (mother, father, spouse, brother, sister or child). Other instances where gifts or flowers are given are:
Support Staff Assembly dues are $5.00 annually.
Expenditures in excess of $50 require approval of the Assembly (by vote).
Various fund-raising events are held throughout the year. Examples of such activities are:
Proceeds from fund-raisers are deposited into the Assembly treasury for support of projects approved by the Assembly.
Each year, the Assembly sponsors several receptions. Generally, they are:
In addition, the Assembly sponsors and provides door prizes for a Christmas luncheon each December.