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Constitution of Support Staff Assembly

Table of Contents

Article I Name | Article II Purpose | Article III - Membership | Article IV - Officers | Article V - VCCA Representatives |
Article VI - Meetings | Article VII - Fiscal Year | Article VIII - Approval | Article IX - Amendments to the Constitution

Article I Name

The name of the Assembly shall be the New River Community College Support Staff Assembly.

Article II Purpose

The purpose of the Support Staff Assembly is defined below:

  • be a communication liaison between the support staff of the New River Community College and the Virginia Community Colleges Association;
  • encourage and improve communication among the New River Community College support staff; and
  • work on staff development projects at New River Community College.

Article III - Membership
Membership shall be open to all full- and part-time support staff at New River Community College.

Article IV - Officers

The officers of the New River Community College Support Staff Assembly shall consist of a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Secretary/Treasurer, the Full-Time and Part-Time Support Staff Representatives, the Staff Development Chair, the Constitutuional Committee Chair, the Nominations Committee Chair, and the immediate Past Chair. This body of officers shall be called the Board of Directors.

Section 1. Election of Officers

The Vice Chair of the previous year will assume the position of Chair. Should the Vice Chair be unable to assume the duties of Chair, the Chair shall be elected by the Assembly. The Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, Full-Time and Part-Time Support Staff Representatives, and the chairs of the standing committees shall be elected prior to the June meeting each year.

Section 2. Eligibility of Officers

Any member of the New River Community College Support Staff Assembly shall be eligible for office.

Section 3. Tenure of Office

No officer shall serve more than two consecutive one-year terms in the same office.

Section 4. Vacancies in Office

When the office of Chair becomes vacant, the Vice Chair shall assume the Chair and serve the remainder of the unexpired term of his/her predecessor. Should the Vice Chair be unable to assume the duties of Chair, the Chair shall be elected by the membership. Vacancy in the office of Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, or any Committee Chairs shall be filled by appointment of the Chair.

Section 5. Duties of Officers

  1. The Chair shall preside at meetings of the Assembly and at the meetings of the Board of Directors; represent the Assembly in all matters pertaining to Assembly activities; and form and call into session ad hoc committees as deemed appropriate.
  2. The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair during his/her absence or disability, be responsible for setting up programs for Assembly meetings, and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Chair.
  3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall record meetings of the Assembly and the Board of Directors; distribute copies of the record to all members and appropriate individuals and groups; monitor receipts and disbursements and provide a report of same to the Assembly at regular meetings, and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair.
  4. The Chairpersons of the Committees shall preside at their respective meetings and represent the committee in all matters pertaining to the committee activities.
  5. The Full-Time and Part-Time Support Staff Representatives coordinate the reporting and follow up on any issues or concerns expressed by individual or collective members of their respective areas of representation. Representation consists of one representative for each campus building (5) and one representative for part-time employees.

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Article V - VCCA Representatives

Section 1. Election of VCCA Representatives

Delegates and commission members shall be appointed by the Support Staff Assembly Board of Directors to represent the New River Community College Support Staff at the VCCA meetings. The representatives shall be appointed prior to the annual VCCA convention in October. (By-law change approved May 1994.)

Section 2. Eligibility of Office

Any member of the NRCC Support Staff Assembly who is also a member of VCCA shall be eligible for office.

Section 3. Tenure of Office

(By-law change approved May 1994 to delete this section.)

Section 4. Vacancies in Office

When the office of a delegate or commission member becomes vacant, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement.

Section 5. Duties of the VCCA Representative

  1. The delegates shall be non-voting members at all meetings of the NRCC Support Staff Assembly Board of Directors. They shall also represent the NRCC Support Staff at VCCA meetings and vote on issues brought before the VCCA Assembly.
  2. The Commission members shall be non-voting members of the NRCC Support Staff Assembly Board of Directors. They shall represent the NRCC Support Staff Assembly at VCCA meetings and vote on issues brought before the VCCA Support Staff Commission.

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Article VI - Meetings

Section 1. Meetings

The Assembly normally meets once a month.

Section 2. Quorum

Voting representation of the majority at any regular or called meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3. Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Chair by a majority of the Board of Directors. Notice shall be given two days prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 4. Voting

Each voting member of the Assembly shall have one vote. A voting member is one who is present at the meeting.

Article VlI - Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Assembly shall be July 1 through June 30.

Article VIII - Approval

This Constitution shall become effective upon approval by a majority of the voting members attending the organizational meeting of the Assembly. The new officers of the Assembly shall take office effective with the organizational meeting of the Assembly and shall serve through the subsequent fiscal year.

Article IX - Amendments to the Constitution

Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in written form to the Secretary by a voting member at least one month before the next monthly meeting. The Secretary shall distribute such proposed amendments in written form to all voting members of the Assembly at least two weeks prior to the monthly meeting. Proposed amendments may be adopted by a majority of the voting members of the Assembly present and voting.

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