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Outstanding Support Staff Award

Nomination Procedures for:

  • Ourstanding Full-Time Support Staff Award

    1. A full-time classified staff member with a minimum of one year service will be selected and honored each year with an award called Outstanding Support Staff Award.
    2. The College Foundation will provide $300 to the recipient as part of the award.
    3. Nominations may be made by any College employee. Any information received in support of nominations will be held in the utmost confidentiality except the name of the individual selected.
    4. Full-time classified staff from every area of the College will have an equal opportunity to be selected and nominations may be made for any individual on campus meeting this criteria.
    5. Selection will be based upon permanent full-time employment; job performance; and special contributions of time, effort, and creativity to the College as well as exemplary human relations skills; the Committee may also consider community involvement as an aspect of the award.
    6. Former recipients are not eligible for nomination.
    7. The selection process will be completed by December 1 of each year. A selection Committee comprised of two former recipients, two faculty, and one administrator will be appointed by the College President.
    8. Recipient will represent the College at the VCCA at the Spotlight Showcase. If the recipient is no longer employed at NRCC at the time of the VCCA convention then there will be no representation from New River Community College.
    9. Proposed changes in the procedures must be approved by a majority vote of the Support Staff Assembly and recommended to the President for approval.

  • Outstanding Part-timeSupport Staff Award

    1. A part-time classified staff member with a minimum of one year service will be selected and honored each year with an award called Outstanding Support Staff Award.
    2. The College Foundation will provide $200 to the recipient as part of the award.
    3. Nominations may be made by any College employee. Any information received in support of nominations will be held in the utmost confidentiality except the name of the individual selected.
    4. Part-time classified staff from every area of the College will have an equal opportunity to be selected and nominations may be made for any individual on campus meeting this criteria.
    5. Selection will be based upon permanent part-time employment; job performance; and special contributions of time, effort, and creativity to the College as well as exemplary human relations skills; the Committee may also consider community involvement as an aspect of the award.
    6. Former recipients are not eligible for nomination.
    7. The selection process will be completed by December 1 of each year. A selection Committee comprised of two former recipients, two faculty, and one administrator will be appointed by the College President.
    8. Proposed changes in the procedures must be approved by a majority vote of the Support Staff Assembly and recommended to the President for approval.



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  •  5251 College Drive
  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
  •  Toll Free: 866-462-6722
  •  Fax: (540) 674-3602
  •  Directions


  •  782 New River Road NW, Suite 400
  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
  •  Directions
  •  More...

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