New River Community College (NRCC) reserves the right to provide a safe work environment
free from violence, threats and harassing behavior against all employees, students, contractors,
subcontractors, and visitors while on the premises or while conducting official business for the college.
Any act of misconduct will be investigated and appropriate action taken accordingly.
Definition of Workplace Violence
Workplace Violence is any act of violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening behavior that occurs in the workplace.
Third Parties – Individuals who are not state employees, such as relatives, acquaintances, students, or visitors.
Workplace – Any location, either permanent or temporary, where an employee performs any work-related duty. This includes, but is not limited to, the buildings and the surrounding perimeters, including the parking lots, field locations, alternate work locations, and travel to and from work assignments.
Workplace Violence – Any physical assault, threatening behavior or verbal abuse occurring in the workplace by employees or third parties. It includes, but is not limited to, beating, stabbing, suicide, shooting, rape, attempted suicide, psychological trauma such as threats, obscene phone calls, an intimidating presences, and harassment of any nature such as stalking, shouting or swearing.
Violent behavior includes, but is not limited to:
Violence directed at an employee by a co-worker.
Violence directed towards an employee by a third party while engaged in performance of job duties.
Threatening behavior includes, but is not limited to:
Verbal – Verbal threats of violence towards persons or property, the use of vulgar or profane language towards others, derogatory comments or slurs, verbal intimidation, exaggerated criticism or name calling.
Physical – Any physical assault such as hitting, pushing, spitting, kicking, holding, impeding, or blocking the movement of another person.
Visual – Threatening or intimidating writings, electronic mail, posters, cartoons, publications, drawings, or gestures.
NRCC will not tolerate any acts or threats of violence against employees, students, contractors, subcontractors, and visitors while they are on the campus.
Any threat or act of violence will be taken seriously, handled expeditiously, and dealt with appropriately, which may include disciplinary action, termination of employment, arrest, and prosecution.
Unauthorized possession or use of firearms, or other dangerous weapons is prohibited. Dangerous weapons are any item used or could be used with the intent to cause harm, threaten, or intimidate.
Any employee found in possession of any of the above referenced weapons on the NRCC campus or off campus location is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Standards of Conduct.
Possession of a permit to carry a concealed weapon is not an exemption under this policy, and to the extent allowed by law, NRCC prohibits carrying weapons on NRCC property or off campus locations.
NRCC prohibits any form of retaliation against an employee making a report under this policy.
Actions to be Taken: Reporting Incidents and Investigation
Reporting Incidents of Workplace Violence or Threats of Violence
Employee Responsibilities – Any employee, who becomes aware of an act of violence in the workplace, or a threat thereof, shall immediately report it to his or her supervisor. If the supervisor is the alleged perpetrator, the incident shall be reported to the next level of supervision. If the act represents an immediate threat of harm to any individual, it must be reported immediately to NRCC Security Services. Security Services should contact law enforcement authorities. In the event of an emergency, dial 0 to notify the college operator who will contact Security Services. Immediately following an incident, an incident report form must be completed to document the act of workplace violence. Documentation shall be submitted through the immediate supervisor to the Associate Vice-President for Finance and Technology.
Non-Employee Responsibilities – Any person other than an employee of NRCC that witnesses or is the victim of workplace violence should report the incident to any NRCC employee immediately. The NRCC employee will then complete the employee responsibilities as described above.
Employee Responsibilities – All employees shall cooperate with any investigation of workplace violence to include but not limited to, providing statements, documentation, and contacting Security Services at the college
Management Responsibilities
Investigation of reported incidents of workplace violence shall be conducted initially by the supervisor and Security Services at NRCC.
The investigation shall be conducted on an immediate, priority basis, following emergency medical care if needed, and in a manner consistent with the concepts of confidentiality, impartiality, and due process. Whenever possible, known or suspected physical evidence should not be touched without guidance from Security Services or law enforcement officers.
As part of the investigation the supervisor will obtain statements from the individuals involved in the incident and any witnesses.
The supervisor shall take appropriate disciplinary action as directed by the President and his staff (President’s staff).
The supervisor shall submit a Workplace Violence Incident Final Report (copy attached) form, which contains their findings, witnesses statements, actions taken and any recommendations to the President’s staff, through the Associate Vice President for Finance and Technology, within 10 work days of the incident.
Download the following pdf file for the forms to be completed: