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What do students have to say? What do students have to say?
Lessons Learned From Dr. Billaud's Class Lessons Learned From Dr. Billaud's Class
Louise Billaud 1 Professor Louise Billaud
Dr. Billaud 2 Marquis Who's Who Top Educator Award
Dr. Billaud 3 Marquie Who's Who Top Artist Award
 Music Professor 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
How to Become a Student Admissions/Records Website

What do students have to say?

"You are changing a life forever. Not many people can say that and I applaud you that you care…you have made a difference…You are a GREAT teacher!" - Franklin B.

"Honestly, I signed up to take music class just hoping it was going to be easy and to fill my elective section. As I went through your class everything changed. You made it so interesting and made every class fun and enjoyable to be at. Your love for music and teaching music is amazing! The emotion and effort you put into every class is unbelievable and I really just can’t thank you enough. You have taught me so much about music and have opened my eyes/ears to so much more music that I would have never heard otherwise! Thank you so much for everything you do and I just want you to know that you are so great at it! I will miss coming to your class!" - Kaleb S.

"Our forums have all been explorations of what music means to the world at large and each of us in particular. This forum in particular seems to challenge us to find the unexpected musical connections, to see that we are not alone in a vast virtual sea, but more powerful than ever in our ability to connect musically." - Emily A.

"I was honestly not sure how I felt about taking this class but I truly enjoyed it and learned many things that I feel that I can apply to my own life. Thank you for opening my eyes to a different world of music!" - Hunter A.

"(Concerning evaluations) I would have created a new category that simply would have said Freakin Awesome! For both class and instruction alike." - Franklin B.

"I just wanted to say thank you! It’s not often I get to wax poetic about music and I had quite a lot of fun writing it. I’m really enjoying this class (I’ve realized how long it’s been since I have really listened to music) and I will be sad to say goodbye to it!" - Laurel B.

"I wanted to thank you for the recognition (Music Award) and for being one of my favorite teachers in my college experience." - Elizabeth C.

"I appreciate your willingness to listen to feedback from your students and adapt. I think that is something a lot of professors don’t do and I wanted to let you know that it doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you." - Kevin C.

"Thank you for your kind words on my last couple of assignments, it’s really great to feel appreciated for all the work, time, and dedication I put into completing assignments." - Lois C.

"I will never look at music the same way again. I know that future students of this class are going to walk away with a wonderful new experience in learning about music and the changes that it has gone through." - Nicole C.

"You certainly made an impact on my life through your classes. What I really took away from the class was the passion I could see while you taught. It’s something that I’ll always remember and try to find in my own career." - Aaron H.

"I have a 9-year-old daughter, as well as a 6-year-old son, then my 16-month old son. We were watching television which had the William Tell Overture playing in the background. I recognized it, and named the piece to my daughter. She was seemingly impressed that I knew it, and wanted me to tell you that you’re doing a good job teaching me. Out of the mouths of babes!" - Cheri H.

"You have really opened my eyes to things I never thought would interest me. With that being said, thank you!" - Ethan H.

"I appreciate you giving me a chance to learn more about my musical passion. Thank you very much." - Joseph J.

"Thank you for noticing my work. I will continue to work hard. I have made big improvements in academics and your course has motivated me to do so." - Chris L.

"I enjoyed your class and learned a lot about music that I never heard of, which will probably have an influence on music that I try to write in the future." - Kurt L.

"Your enthusiasm was part of the reason the class was so great." - Case M.

"Thank you for being an awesome teacher." - Christopher M.

"Although we never met in person, I enjoyed the course and appreciate the personal touches you added to it." - Serena M.

"Creating these playlists has exposed me to so many types of music that I had no idea I would like. It has truly been an enjoyable experience that I won’t soon forget. Thank you so much for being an exemplary instructor." - Andrew N.

"Thank you for opening my eyes to a whole new world you’re the best!!" - Dillon P.

"I just want to thank you for being an inspiration and guiding light…for being a great role model." - Ksenia P.

"Thank you for being an amazing, passionate teacher. You taught me so much and always took the time to do so. I will always remember you." - Morgan P.

"I also would like to take the time to thank you for a wonderful semester! I learned a lot in your class, and I thoroughly enjoyed learning about many different types of music and the stories and composers behind many famous works." - Richard P.

"I felt emotions that I haven’t felt since my parents were alive. (It literally brought tears to my eyes.)" - Diana S.

"Thank you for all the time you put in to this class you can really tell. Also thank you for all the great feedback on everything. It really helps." - Taylor V.

"I really appreciate all the hard work you put in to your class. I have never had a teacher for an online class give such great feedback and that really helps keep us on track. Thank you again." - Taylor V.

"It has truly been a joy being a part of your Music History DE class this semester. I was touched by your comment of kindness to each other during our study of Robert Schumann. Thank you for being extraordinary in your teaching!" - Angela W.

"It has really expanded my horizons when it comes to listening and discovering new music, which has been enlightening for me." - Brennan W.

Music Department Contact Information

General questions and requests about the Music department should be directed to Louise A. Billaud 1-866-462-6722, extension 4351, or (540) 674-3600, extension 4351.
You may also email

Music Department Faculty

Call (540) 674-3600 or toll-free 1-866-462-6722, then you will be prompted to add the extension number to reach any employee.

Louise Billaud


Professor of Music

Employee Photo



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  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
  •  Toll Free: 866-462-6722
  •  Fax: (540) 674-3602
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  •  782 New River Road NW, Suite 400
  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
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